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    IMMORTAL HR: The Death and Resurrection of Ms. H. (Harriet) R. (Rose) Job: A “Path to Immortality”

    Date: December 17, 2024, 5:30pm – 8:00pm
    SHRM Princeton
    Leonardo's Restaurant
    2021 Brunswick Ave, Lawrence Township, NJ 08648
    Pre-registered: members $40 / non-members $50, Students and qualified In-Transition $20, $10 additional charge for walk-ins
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    IMMORTAL HR: The Death and Resurrection of Ms. H. (Harriet) R. (Rose) Job: A “Path to Immortality” 

    Presented by Marc Miller

    Tuesday, December 17 • 5:30 — 8 p.m.



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    Before the Covid Pandemic, Ms. HR Job was targeted by many within her organization and done away with.  This was vividly shown by Marc Miller in his brilliant talk /”show”, a detective story  called “Who killed Ms. Harriet Rose Job (HR JOB)?”  In this, his 2017 – 2018 keynote “Detective” Miller showed us that Ms. HR Job was considered (among other things) as having the work traits that showed her to be Irrelevant, Indifferent Indecisive Incompetent and Inflexble with no new skills, as he called them the “5 Fatal I’s”. 

    But now, as a result of Covid (enter “Connie Vid) (Ms.) HR Job is at the center of many issues and initiatives vital to the survival of an organization.  HR Job is now considered critical by all and must be heard and preserved and she must never again die. She must be Immortal!. How did this happen? Who and what helped Hs. Harriet Rose Job be resurrected and become needed and critical if not IMMORTAL? Find out by attending this lively presentation.


    • The original case/crime – the Death of HR Job – the “Crime of the Century” in 2018 is summarized; suspects interviewed and motives identified. Why was Ms. Harriet Rose Job – (HRJOB) “done away with” and by whom? What did “she” not have or deliver. What is different today? You will find out. 
    • Find out how Ms. H. R. Job (HRJOB) changed her Mindset and her attitudes and actions. What components of her Mindset did “she“ embrace that helped her? Nine (9) Mindset components will be discussed including her embracing AI, Analytics the need for EE engagement, DEI&B, Career Journeys and the use of underlying HR Technology.
    • Find out who Ms. Harriet Rose Job collaborated with? What did the ‘Working Groups” she participated in deliver during the timeframe of the pandemic and still today? Members of the Working Groups will be shown and include ms. Anna Lytics, Mr. Al Gorithim, Sir Werk Fromhume, Mr. Hyman Brid, Ms. Jenn Zee and others.


    Marc S. Miller – President, MARC S MILLER ASSOCIATES – is a nationally known consultant on all aspects of technology solutions for Human Resources.

    He is one of the HR Technology industry's most recognized, invigorating and creative voices.  He uses his thought leadership, significant industry experience and contacts to provide insight into the important trends surrounding HR Technology.  His consultancy is the longest active sole proprietorship is the HR Technology Strategy space. 

    In great demand, Marc has been a featured speaker and presenter at numerous HR and HCM technology meetings both industry focused and at many HRMS providers User Conferences.
    He speaks often at NY and NJ SHRM chapter events, and was a Keynote speaker / mega session presenter at the New Jersey State Conference in 2019.

    A few months ago, Marc presented his new talk about Immortal HR to HRCI’s “Alchemizing HR” webinar series. Over 2500 attendees listened live to his very engaging and fun talk.

    Marc brings to his clients, (students and readers, too) expertise in HRMS Strategy development and in guiding the overall process of Needs Analysis, detailed Request For Proposal (RFP) preparation and leads organizations in their vendor evaluation and selection process for a new or upgraded HR technology initiative (HRMS).

    He is a founding member of the NYC IHRIM Association chapter and received IHRIMS’ highest National award, its “Summit Award” for overall industry contributions.

    In addition to his consulting, Marc is an Adjunct Professor teaching HR Management and HR Systems for the MBA programs at NYU and Manhattan College. Overall – Professor Miller has taught HRM, HR Technology and Talent Management courses at the College/University Master’s level for over 10 years.

    Marc is the author of 3 books related to his expertise. As mentioned, his latest book – just published in 2024 – is IMMORTALHR: THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF MS. H. (HARRIET) R. (ROSE) JOB.  This book continues the Journey of Ms. H. (Harriet) R. (Rose) Job who was the subject of Marc’s prior work, “The Death of HR: Who Killed H. (Harriet) R. (Rose) Job?  - A Cautionary Tale and a Detective Story” (2018).  

    Today’s presentation highlights his creativity in creating the Journey taken by Ms. H.R. Job onto the “Path to Immortality “depicted in his book. 

    His first book – “HeroicHR” (2014)  was among the first to recognize the need for the HR function to be considered a “Strategic Business Partner” within an organization.  

    Marc is a lifelong New Yorker, lives in White Plains, NY and when not consulting is an avid racquetball player and photographer.


    This program has been approved for 1 SHRM PDC and 1 (HR General) recertification credit from HRCI

    Annual Appeal for SHRM Foundation

    SHRM Princeton proudly supports the SHRM Foundation, the nonprofit arm of SHRM, which mobilizes HR as a force for social good. We believe each of us in HR has the power and opportunity to lead change in the workplace. Together we’re building a more inclusive talent pipeline, addressing mental health and wellness, and strengthening the HR field. Get involved to nurture the potential in HR, talent, and workplaces.

    Please donate to make possible the research, toolkits, certificates, and scholarships that help us all thrive together. With the end of 2024 fast approaching, your donation will enable SHRM to provide services and programs that will nurture the potential of our profession, our teams and our workforce in 2025 and beyond.

    At our Tues Dec 17th program, we will be soliciting donations for the Foundation as well, and hope that you can attend. Join us for a great evening of entertainment and learning!

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