Time to Renew Your HRMA Membership!
Effective with the new chapter year that began on July 1, 2015, HRMA of Princeton is instituting annual dues for our chapter as a measure to ensure our long-term financial sustainability.
As a 100% SHRM chapter, members of HRMA must maintain membership in national SHRM in order to be eligible for membership in the chapter.
Ever mindful of our members' obligation to pay national SHRM annual dues, we endeavor to keep this cost at a minimum.
Therefore, the HRMA Chapter Year 2015-2016 annual dues are as follows:
- $45.00 for SHRM members who designate HRMA (0152) as their primary chapter
- $55.00 for SHRM members who do not designate HRMA as their primary chapter
Discounts from the above rates are available for members who volunteer their time in an official capacity for our chapter.
Please note: Members who joined HRMA between April and June 2015 and have paid their chapter dues, are not required to renew for the 2015-2016 chapter year.
Please click here to renew your membership for the 2015-2016 program year. This link is for membership renewals ONLY. New membership requests must be submitted by clicking on either the "Join Now" or "Sign Up Today!" link on the upper right section of the home page.
Dues must be paid by September 30, 2015 in order for you to remain a member of our chapter in good standing and continue to enjoy the benefits that membership provides, such as:
- Member access to the HRMA of Princeton website
- Discounts on monthly dinner meetings and other events and seminars
- Access to speaker presentation materials
- SHRM and HRCI recertification credits
- Professional networking
- Careers In Transition group and discounts for members in transition
- HRMA Resume Bank
Important! Take a moment now to update your HRMA profile and check to see if you have designated HRMA as your primary chapter. Log on our website at hrma-nj.shrm.org. To officially designate HRMA as your primary chapter fill out the online form here.
Please direct any questions about your membership status to hrmanj_info@yahoo.com.
We value your membership and look forward to seeing you during the upcoming chapter year.
HRMA Board of Directors
Steve Blechman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Chapter President