2011-12 Membership Renewal
2011-2012 Membership Renewal
It’s that time of year again! Membership renewals are under way. The HRMA Board of Directors has approved FREE MEMBERSHIP for the July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 membership year if you are a current member in good standing and you designate HRMA (Chapter 0152) as your primary chapter with SHRM. Members who meet this criteria will have their membership renewed automatically! As a reminder we are a 100% SHRM chapter. For those members whose SHRM membership has expired or choose not to designate HRMA as their primary chapter, we will be reaching out to you to renew your membership at a cost of only $45. For more information click here.
As a prerequisite to renewal, please read the following code of ethics for the chapter which all members are expected to abide by always:
SHRM’s Model Code of Ethics for Chapters
As a member of the CHAPTER, I pledge myself to:
- Maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct.
- Support the Chapter’s goals and objectives for developing the human resource management profession.
- Refrain from using my official positions, either business or volunteer, to secure special privilege, gain or benefit for my organization or myself.
- Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information.
- Respect the rights and privacy of Chapter members and their reasonable expectation of privacy.
- Avoid soliciting or distributing information deemed to be a “sales pitch” to Chapter members.
- Practice networking and benchmarking in a professional manner, based upon sound business judgment and necessity, without infringing upon the privacy of Chapter members.
- Abstain from using the Chapter’s Membership Directory to create group distribution e-mail and direct mail lists for the purpose of soliciting business.
This Code of Ethics for members of the Chapter has been developed to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct among its members. By joining the Chapter, a member endorses and agrees to abide by this Code of Ethics, thereby assuring public confidence in the integrity and service of the human resource management profession.
A violation of this Code of Ethics could jeopardize your membership in Chapter.
Adapted from SHRM Code of Ethics
In order to confirm your chapter designation, please call SHRM Member Services at (800) 283-SHRM or complete the attached Designation Form and fax it to SHRM (see form). SHRM doesn't permit designation on-line; you have to print, sign and fax the form to them.