Event Details
Dinner Meeting: About Workplace Harassment
Date: | October 17, 2016, 5:30pm – 8:00pm |
Location: | Hyatt Regency Princeton, Carnegie Center, Rt. 1. Networking & registration begins at 5:30pm, meeting starts at 6:00pm. |
Event Type: | Meeting |
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HRMA Dinner Meeting
TOPIC - About Workplace Harassment
Presented by
SPEAKER - Karin Bosman
October 17, 2016
Princeton Hyatt Regency
5:30pm to 8:00pm
**This program is approved for 1 general credit by the HRCI and 1 professional development credit by SHRM**
For registration please go to http://hrma-nj.shrm.org/events
In this presentation, Karin Bosman discusses humiliation, the assaults and the loneliness victims experience. How colleagues are too afraid to react and how this effects the victim and work environment. How fear and silence empowers offenders.
She provides advice on risk management, on reducing sexual workplace harassment by using a preventive approach. Companies that don’t train management on preventing sexual harassment are subject to lawsuits and other liabilities. By showing a corporate policy in court, doesn’t mean that they have done everything in their power to protect their employees from crimes like sexual harassment. A one-day training about sexual harassment and writing down rules of conduct really falls short to prevent a hostile environment.
Karin Bosman is an experienced expert of sexual workplace harassment and founder of About Workplace Harassment AWH, based in the Netherlands.
Contact: karin@aboutworplaceharassment.com
Our revitalized Careers-In-Transition group, led by Terry Ebert of The Ayers Group, meets at the Hyatt at 4:30 PM. If you are an HR professional in transition, please consider attending. The group offers networking opportunities and a way to gain valuable insights and support that will help you in your job search. There is no cost to attend the C-I-T group and no advance registration is required.
Starter: Fall harvest salad, caramelized apple dressing
Entree: Maple-Dijon salmon steak, root vegetables / Grilled boneless brown sugar pork chop / root vegetables / Vegetarian option: Root vegetable skewers, wilted greens, mixed grains
Dessert: Fruit cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream