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Event Details

    June Dinner Meeting

    Date: June 13, 2011, 5:30pm – 8:00pm
    SPECIAL LOCATION: Salt Creek Grille in Princeton Forrestal Village (off Rt. 1 at College Road)

    Networking & registration begins at 5:30pm, meeting starts at 6:00pm.
    Pre registered members $40 and non members $50; All walk-ins add $10.
    Event Type:
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    ***APPROVED for general recertification credit by the HR Certification Institute*** 

    REGISTER & PAY:   Online registration opens up approximately two weeks prior to the event and closes the Thursday before the meeting at midnight.  Walk-ins are always welcome after that time!

    2011 Diversity Champion Award

    & Volunteer Recognition

    Program Overview

    Join us for an evening of networking, volunteer recognition, and the awarding of the 2011 Diversity Champion Award to Rachel Niedzwiecki, HR Manager at Mathematica Policy Research.

    The Diversity Champion Award recognizes demonstrated excellence either by creative and innovative development of new ideas and programs or by the highly effective utilization of well-regarded principles in the diversity area.  Rachel will share with us the great things she has done at Mathematica regarding Diversity and Inclusion.

    We are pleased to announce that this year-end June meeting has been APPROVED for general recertification credit by the Human Resources Certification Institute!

    Reminder: the location for June's meeting is Salt Creek Grille in Princeton Forrestal Center off Rt. 1