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Event Details

    Healthcare Breakfast Forum

    Date: March 25, 2011, 8:30am – 10:00am
    Sponsored by Mercer
    1 University Square, Suite 100, Board Room, Princeton (NOTE: NEW LOCATION FROM LAST YEAR)

    Networking & Continental Breakfast begins at 8:30am; Program runs from 8:45-9:45am; Q&A and additional networking until 10am.
    HRMA members $15; non members $20
    Event Type:
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    ***Approved for recertification credit by the HR Certification Institute*** 

    REGISTER & PAY:   Online registration opens up approximately two weeks prior to the event and closes Thursday before the meeting at noon. Walk-ins are always welcome after that time!


    Results of the 2010 Mercer National Survey

    of Employer Sponsored Plans


    Presented by: Kevin Carmelengo, Principal, Mercer Health & Benefits


    Program Overview

    Now in it’s 25th year, 2,833 employers participated in 2010 and results are representative of all employer health plans sponsors in the United States with 10 or more employees.

    Top Stories include:

       - 2010 employer cost increase and 2011 projection

       - Employer activities to control cost

       - Impact of health care reform on cost and plan design

       - Continued development of CDHPs

     -   Expansion of Wellness / Health Management strategy use 


    About the Speaker

    Kevin Carmelengo is a Principal and Senior Consultant who joined Mercer the Health and Benefits in September 2008.  He works primarily with employers in the 100-1,000 employee segment.  He has specific expertise in plan design strategy, financial analysis, cost projections and financial modeling.

    Kevin has more than 25 years of experience in the employee benefits field.  He has been successful as both a sales executive and account manager with both local and national health insurance carriers over the span of his career. 

    Kevin received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Seton Hall University.