Announcements and Upcoming Meeting Notices
We want to remind our members that HRMA has changed to a fiscal calendar year. As long as members renew their national SHRM membership, they will remain HRMA members without paying anything additional until June 2009. For those who are currently in transition, SHRM members in transition can renew their SHRM membership for free (one time only).
January 2009 Announcements
We want to remind our members that HRMA has changed to a fiscal calendar year. As long as members renew their national SHRM membership, they will remain HRMA members without paying anything additional until June 2009. For those who are currently in transition, SHRM members in transition can renew their SHRM membership for free (one time only).
Go to
The HRMA Careers In-transition group meets monthly at 4:30pm at the Hyatt Regency, before our Chapter dinner meeting. Please refer to our Chapter web site for more information and benefits of membership.
The SPHR/PHR Certification Prep Class at MCCC starts on 1/24/09; Saturdays from 9am-12pm. It's not too late to sign up. Call 609-586-4800 x3856 for more information or contact Charlene Watler at
There will be a Leadership Conference sponsored by the Garden State Council-SHRM held on Saturday, February 21, 2009 from 8:00am - Lunch at the Hyatt in New Brunswick. This is free to all Chapter, Council & Conference volunteers, as well as anyone interested in becoming a volunteer leader. Some sessions may count toward HRCI recertification credit. To register or for more information, email Matthew Prail at
SHRM-sponsored HR Games & Student Conference will be held on March 27 & 28 at William Paterson University. Professional HR volunteers are needed to help with the games on Saturday, 3/28. We hope to send at least 12 from our chapter. Carpools can be arranged for those interested. Join HRMA President, Linda Legge, SPHR, and a group of your HRMA colleagues for this fun event. Contact Matthew Prail at
Upcoming Events (Register at
February 9th HRMA Monthly Dinner Meeting, Princeton Hyatt Regency, 5:30pm - 8:00pm
In this session, Dominick Volini from BlessingWhite will review key findings from his 2008 State of Employee Engagement global research and share strategies for delivering on the promises of employee engagement. BlessingWhite is a global consulting firm dedicated to creating sustainable High-Performance Organizations, focusing on Leadership Development and Employee Engagement. This meeting is proudly sponsored by Merrill Lynch.
March 6th HRMA Leadership Development Forum Breakfast Meeting, 8:30am - 10:00am
Mary Anne Kennedy, Senior Human Resource Consultant will present, "The 8 Step Staffing Process". This workshop will discuss ensuring a core, common and consistent approach to the staffing process.
March 9thHRMA Monthly Dinner Meeting, Princeton Hyatt Regency, 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Human Resources Legal Review Attorney Panel. Partners from Fox Rothschild LLP will review and discuss a variety of matters including: Legal ways to reduce health costs, Employment eligibility, Labor & Employment.
Important Information Regarding Registration and Paypal:
Shortly, HRMA may require pre-payment via credit card before all events. Did you know that you don't need to have a Paypal account in order to pay via credit card? Simply click on the icon, "Pay by Paypal" and then select credit card, instead of Paypal account. Whenusing Paypal to pay for any of our HRMA events, please remember when completing the transaction, to make sure you click on the link, "Return to Merchant" to fully complete your transaction. This will take you back to the HRMA website. Failure to do this will result in non-payment and does not register in our database causing a major delay when checking in at our events. Thank you for your cooperation.
Valid from 01/28/2009