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Urgent: Need Volunteers - NSHMBA National Conference

    The 2014 NSHMBA National Conference and Career Expo Career Management Center (CMC) will be held in Philadelphia, September 25 -27 at the Philadelphia Expo Convention Center. 
    This year’s conference is expected to attract 5,000 professional participants, including MBA students, and 200 major corporate exhibitors. CMC services will be delivered in 12,000 sq. ft. of dedicated space, including program specific room setups.
    They would like to partner with local SHRM chapters and they also need lots of SHRM volunteers to help with volunteer opportunities listed below.  At previous national conferences, NSHMBA successfully partnered with SHRM chapters in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles/Orange County (PIHRA), Minneapolis, Orlando, San Antonio and the Texas State Council.
    SHRM members who have participated in prior national conferences have called this event one of the best volunteer opportunities they have experienced; providing not only an opportunity to build pro hours, but also to work with top talent at an exciting and vibrant event.
    In return for SHRM support, NSHMBA can promote SHRM, participating chapters and councils through:
    •       Logo and link on the conference website
    •       Mention in CMC marketing material
    •       Logo and name on onsite signage
    •       Volunteers benefits based on hours of service
    SHRM members and colleagues can volunteer for hourly, half-day or full-day slots on any of the following dates:
    Thursday, September 25            10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    Friday, September 26                  8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    Saturday, September 25              9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
    1. Half and full-day volunteers:
    ·   Extended refreshments or Lunch
    ·   Parking
    ·   Entrance to the Career Expo
    ·   Access to Professional Development Day workshops
    ·   General receptions and networking events during all three days of the conference
    2. Volunteers with 12 or more hours will have access to invitation only sessions and events.
    3. Coaching, HR and Career experts may prepare a one-page handout with résumé or career tips and business contact information for distribution. 
    The Career Management Center provides five categories of services to the conference attendees. SHRM members and their colleagues may volunteer to provide one or more of the services listed below.
     Résumé Critique Coaches will spend up to 30 minutes critiquing and editing candidate résumé.
     Interview Clinic Formal mock interviews are scheduled up to 30 minutes.
     Elevator Speech Coaches will spend up to 30 minutes assisting individuals with their initial introductions for networking, at Career Expo booths and in formal onsite interviews
    NSHMBA will also provide onsite instructions, tools and resource material for each of the above services.
    The CMC has computers and printers for editing, uploading and reproducing résumés. 
    SHRM members and colleagues can volunteer directly by contacting us at or calling one of the NEHSMBA team members listed below. They will be able to secure volunteer free conference registration, benefits, set-up volunteer schedules and identify coaching preferences, including target audience:
    Murray A. Mann          Rose Mary Bombela-Tobias
    CMC Director              CMC Director             
    312-404-3108             312-437-6644
    You can learn more about the 2014 NSHMBA conference and the Career Management Center at the following link  (please note the web pages are in various stages of development).